
  Categories » Crystals » List by healing group » Emotions, harmony & self acceptance


Clear quartz cluster with phantoms
Great protection, calms anger, helps balance
feelings. Can help to protect you from angry people by deflecting it back to them.
Needle calcite
Able to calm feelings of hurt & accept yourself for who you are. Helps you to
appreciate yourself
Can help to protect us when
feelings of doubt creep into
our thoughts. Can help
to create harmony.
Yellow apatite (Mexico)
Can help to stimulate the digestive process. Is able to clear through unwanted blockages. Can help to achieve deeper emotional states of calm for it settles stomach & is able to relax you. Really good for people who have lots of nervous energy and are unable to eat much.
A stone that creates
harmony. Perfect for a household full of tension. This stone will calm the mind & heart of all around it
Mexican onyx

Can clear emotional
blockages & pain. Can help
to reduce stress. Helps to
clear paths for positive change
Hematite roses
This stone will help you to achieve balance in your life. Keeps you grounded & able to keep yourself balanced on all parts of your life.
Wave stone (W.A)
Beautiful wave pattern in this strata rock from W.A, rare speciman.
Reading :Can create harmony with
peace loving thoughts. Can
calm emotions settling down
anger & arguing. Will bring
peace back to
a family.
Agate ball
Can create contented feelings. Steadying & peaceful can help you to relax & be yourself.
Lithium flourite
Creates harmony, can reach out to make peace with others. Can create feelings of happiness & joy if they have been missing from your life. Will create a feeling of gentle ease & protection.
Bored petrified wood (W.A)
Never come across anying like this before, rare & beautifully polished large piece from W.A.
Reading :Can help to master your own feelings by grounding & dealing with problems as they arise.
Green apopholite cluster
Helps you to understand & accept yourself. Will help you to love & value yourself. Helps you to see things more clearly.
Malachite (fibrous)
Able to create harmony through love &
understanding. Can create balance through which you can understand others better & therefore yourself
Adamite (Mexico)
Self expression & being yourself. Helps you to follow your gut instincts on things to help you to be yourself. Helps stomach problems & digestion.
Uvarovite (Russia)
Purity of heart, helps you to forgive past heart breaks so you can move on & heal yourself.
Strong earth male stone. Can help to balance. Then open you up to new possibilities.
Green howlite
Stone of love & emotions, can soften your heart ready for new positive experiences. Can also help you to achieve what you want from these new relationships by helping you to love yourself.
Pearl quartz (Madagasscar)
Loving & relaxing able to calm the emotions & clear thoughts. Repels negativity. Very calming.
Can help with feelings of envy. Helps you to love & accept yourself & others. Helps you to be rational & not stir things up when it comes from your own self doubt. Can help you when you are feeling emotionally threatened or low.
Will help you to ease the pain of accepting yourself, so you can get on & enjoy your life.
Creates harmony, comes from places of turmoil. Peaceful stone full of wisdom. Can help when you need protection when you need to protect your feelings & emotions.
Can help with communication, will help you to over come obstacles, helps you to express yourself more easily. Will also help with concentration & holding information
Yellow/green calcite
Balances stomach, digestion & any process of the
intestines. Will help draw out if placed in a position where needed. On emotional level will help to balance & bring you down to earth. Learn to trust more in instinct & carry through with projects.
Sulphur (bolivia)
Helps put things back in balance
& process things, not hang onto
unwanted emotions & habits
Helps you clear things
out for new growth.
Harlequin Quartz
Emotional release, enables you to connect with feelings of happiness & fun after a long period of depression.
An accumulation of negative energy will be swept away with this stone. Helps to create harmony.
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