
  Categories » Crystals » List by healing group » Third eye, magic & spirituality


Apophyllite - Stone of the 3rd Eye
Opens third eye with amazing results
Helps ‘see’ our problems
Great for astral travel or scrying
Opens up new worlds
Helps intuitive decision making
Make life clear & with meaning
Unlocks ancient mysteries
Apophyllite - Stone of the 3rd Eye
Opens third eye with amazing results
Helps ‘see’ our problems
Great for astral travel or scrying
Opens up new worlds
Helps intuitive decision making
Make life clear & with meaning
Unlocks ancient mysteries
Apophyllite - Stone of the 3rd Eye
Opens third eye with amazing results
Helps ‘see’ our problems
Great for astral travel or scrying
Opens up new worlds
Helps intuitive decision making
Make life clear & with meaning
Unlocks ancient mysteries
Candlestick Quartz - The Personal Goals Stone
Gently removes energy blocks
Seeing own strengths
Positive future
Stepping into life's challengers
Clear vision & thought
Wisdom & cosmic understanding
Eases fears & nightmares
Helps relationships
Clear Calcite - The clear thinking stone
Clear thought & thinking
Helps with change & seeing future
Uplifting & pure
Frees blockages, pain & sorrow
For past or parallel life problems
Good detoxifier & crystal antiseptic
Helps with material gain
Double terminated Quartz - The magical talisman
Clear thinking & imagination
Decisions, Career choices
Problem solving
Channeling, meditation & dreaming
Protective talisman
Balance, harmony
Healing & sacred spaces
Elestial Quartz - Stone of spiritual balance
Emotional balance & clarity
Psychic ability & awareness
Communication with other realms
Revealing your purpose
Patience, love & understanding
Reawakening earth consciousness
Blood, circulation & addictions
Olivine - The emotional pain killer
Clears emotional pain
Self love & confidence
Purity of thought
Not blaming others
Helps relationships
Protective & good luck
Healing physical pain
Stichtite - Self acceptance stone
Security warmth & love
At ease with yourself
Calming, gentle & soothing
Balances third eye
Helps develop your gifts at your pace
Helps see outcomes & possibilities
Soft on the skin
Ulexite - The TV stone
Clears thoughts & emotions
Clears paths, new ventures
Helps see problems through third eye
Interpretation of dreams & visions
Soft, meditation & relaxation
Helps see into others
Stimulates imagination & revelations
Phantom crystal
Helps see your future
Leads to clarity and balance
Helps overcome stagnation
Stimulates psychic ability
Past lives & repressed memories
Green: self realization
Smokey: helps identify your soul groups
Spirit Quartz
Amethyst qualities but with
a deeper level of
understanding. Can put you
into deeper levels of
Dravite (Mt Isa Qld)
These unique looking black tourmaline clusters, very anchient looking & becoming more difficult to sourse.
Reading: Truth, clear thinking,clear seeing.
Powerful scrying tool. Can
develop psychic abilities. Can help
overcome fears related to
darkness. This stone is good for
bone structure especially the
spine & rib cage.
Selenite wand
Use as a wand, put in your
intent & purpose. You can use
theses wands to help with
cloud bursting, spells for rain.
Clears the mind ready for magical
work. Can clear spaces, create
harmony, warm stone.
Agate (Redcliff Qld)
Unusual agate from the seaside suburb of Redcliff, quite hard to obtain.
Reading :Filters, through seeing what
really is. Can be used to
amplify third eye seeing.
Can also be used to
express emotions
Smokey Quartz double terminaters
These little gems are unique to Victoria, sharp points with good clarity.
Reading :Potent little talisman for
personal protection. Can open
your psychic ability.
Very potent.
Quartz with tin (N.S.W)
This unusual large agate half has a speckled effect due to the tin. Havent seen this before.
Reading:Steadying, grounding stone but also helps with opening ones mind. Can help when just starting your search for answers regarding your own spirituality.
Helps to open up third eye
potential. Can create shifts
when emotional balance is
needed. Helps you look
outwardly to see how others
are thinking & feeling.
Grounds aswell as opens you up in third eye region. Helps you to open yourself safely
Amythest flower
Spiritual awareness on a
higher level. Helps to get you
in touch with the spiritual more
quickly. Can help to develop
psychic gifts.
Ribbon stone (Qld)
Beautiful speciman of this unusual stone, well polished.
Reading:Helps people to create &
develop new possibilities in
their lives. Helps you to grow
& change on the physical
but also the spiritual.
Sprigsure labradolite (Qld)
Another example of the diverse range of crystals found in Aus. Golden form of Labrodolite naturally river tumbled.
Reading :Can help to keep calm & relaxed. Can help to reduce to many thoughts going through your head. Helps your mind to become receptive for psychic images, clears you so you can see. Will help you with psychic work where you need to focus.
A stone of magic & shamanism. Helps to protect when doing magic but also inspires us to develop more of our magical selves. A very magical stone
Prehnite cluster with apophyllite
Great stone to induce prophetic dreams. Helps you to access your third eye through dreaming.
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