


Crystal Earth is currently not trading online

Price: $15.00

Amethyst helps with spiritual awakening for us to
realize the universal love that humans share - to love & accept all
humans as the same
Helps open 3rd eye for spiritual learning, intuition & meditation
One of the best healing stones, it transmits peace & tranquility &
so can eliminate negativity, tension (personally or in a room) &
helps reduce anger & resentment. Controls harmful behaviours
& bad thoughts. It’s love & acceptance helps with courage,
overcoming fears, reduces egos & being compassionate &
understanding to others. Will also heal relationships.
Also helps panic attacks, sorrow, grief, trauma & loss
Mentally helps intellegence, focus & memory
It helps sleep & decreases nightmares. It heals while you sleep
For protection: transforms bad energy into love. Physically it has a cooling effect & good for headaches, immune
system & cancer - helps with iron levels & so strengthens
muscles & enriches blood
Helps with addictions - wear or keep in drinking water
Needs to be cleaned regulary (Clusters are more intense &
Star sign : Pisces can help clear other stones
Chakra : Third eye, heart & throat & free spiritual blocks)
(clear purple quartz )

